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Posts category vbnews


Certification for export to Canada of VB products
7 June 2017  by vb 

The Giordano Institute has been tested, in accordance with Canadian regulations, for our tempered and laminated...

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12 April 2017  by vb 

Giacomo Moor introduces VAPORE: The collection that includes five pieces investigates an ancient complex...

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eventi  vbnews 
VB is technical partner of The BaR by Simone Micheli Architect
11 April 2017  by vb 

Vetreria Bazzanese is technical partner of ThE BaR, an ethical and intelligent project, imagined by Simone...

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VB is waiting for you at Officine 47!
2 February 2017  by vb 

Officine Quarantasette is the first “creative center” in Rome dedicated to architects, designers...

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Happy new year by Vetreria Bazzanese
4 January 2017  by vb 

A year full of satisfactions, achievements and important commitments has just ended! We want to thank...

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Merry Christmas!
23 December 2016  by vb 

We wish you wonderful holidays and the best for the new year! We will remain open every day except on 26/12...

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Cool things for interiors – Opening
16 December 2016  by vb 

COOL THINGS FOR INTERIORS by Simone Micheli Architect Carrè Dorè Monaco 6/12/2016   We are proud...

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eventi  vbnews 
COOL THINGS FOR INTERIORS by Simone Micheli Architect
24 November 2016  by vb 

  COOL THINGS FOR INTERIORS by Simone Micheli Architect Media Partner L’arca International Gallery...

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Capitani dell’anno 2016
28 October 2016  by vb 

“Captains of the year, an award that speaks to the individual courage even before the budgets,...

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vbessenza – our new mirrors collection
12 July 2016  by vb 

We grasp the meaning of the hedonistic dimension of home environment and of the reflection in all its forms,...

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